Latisse Bimatoprost for Thinning Eyebrows (2012)

Bimatoprost for the Treatment of Thinning Eyebrows

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Schweiger ES, Pinchover L, Bernstein RM. Topical Bimatoprost for the Treatment of Eyebrow Hypotrichosis. J Drugs Dermatol. 2012;11(1): 106-108.

Synopsis: Topical bimatoprost was FDA approved in December 2008 for the treatment of eyelash hypotrichosis (thinning eyelashes). Since its approval, there has been interest in its “off label” for hair growth in other areas, such as the scalp or eyebrows, but there has yet to be published scientific evidence to support this use. We report one of the first cases of significant eyebrow hair growth in a patient after use of topical bimatoprost for eyebrow hypotrichosis.

Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration

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