Hair Transplant & Hair Loss Resources | Bernstein Medical

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The field of surgical hair restoration has undergone such dramatic changes over the past decade with the introduction of Follicular Unit Transplantation and Follicular Unit Extraction, that much of the traditional hair transplant literature is now obsolete. The Resources section of our site will focus on publications that are relevant for patients seeking hair replacement today.

Dr. Bernstein’s Research Publications

Medical Publications on Hair RestorationIn the first section, you will find Dr. Bernstein’s landmark publications on Follicular Unit Transplantation, Follicular Unit Extraction, Aesthetics, Corrective Work and other subjects that have helped to define and shape the modern field of surgical hair restoration.

Hair Loss & Replacement for Dummies

Hair Loss & Replacement for DummiesHair Loss & Replacement for Dummies has a wealth of information for men and women on how to preserve their hair and explore the safest and most reliable hair replacement techniques currently available. The book offers readers not only the full gamut of modern-day hair-care options, but crucial tips on how to avoid unscrupulous hair transplant doctors and potentially harmful products as well.

The Guide to Hair Restoration

The Guide to Hair Restoration explains the causes of hair loss in men and hair loss in women and how they are diagnosed. It discusses the best treatments for genetic alopeica covering medical therapy and surgical hair replacement. The focus of the digital book is on Dr. Bernstein’s pioneering Follicular Unit Transplant techniques, but the text covers a wide range of topics on hair loss and its treatment.

Bernstein Medical Newsletter

The Bernstein Medical Newsletter keeps you abreast of the latest news on hair transplants and medical treatments for hair loss, and events at Bernstein Medical – Center for Hair Restoration. Click here to subscribe.

Hair Restoration Papers

The Hair Restoration Papers section has important references in the medical, dermatologic and surgical literature relevant to hair transplantation and the diagnosis and treatment of hair loss.

Bernstein Medical Blog

Bernstein Medical BlogThe Bernstein Medical Blog is a compilation of questions asked by men and women concerned about hair loss and Dr. Bernstein’s responses. A wide variety of subjects are covered on the blog, including new hair replacement techniques, hair transplant repair, medical therapies and diagnostic problems. The Blog questions are grouped by topic for easy reference.

Hair Loss Organizations and Websites

A number of sites that are specifically dedicated to hair loss, medical treatments, hair transplants and other types of surgical hair restoration. The sites include forums, chats and blogs. When browsing these sites, please keep in mind that much of the hair transplant information presented may be personal opinion, rather than scientifically proven fact.

Health Care, Medical Center & Physician Websites

These sites contain general information on health issues. It lists the major health related web sites as well as local medical and academic institutions and practices.

Hair Salons

If you want to try a new stylist after your hair transplant, want to get rid of unwanted body hair, or just want to have a facial and relax, the salons listed here are worth exploring.

Hair Products

There is a large variety of over-the-counter hair products which claim to prevent hair loss. We describe several of the products here, but do so for general interest only. We do not endorse any of the products.

There are several cosmetic products on the market that can be very effective in camouflaging hair loss. View the cosmetic camouflage products in the medications section.

Medical Societies & Journals

This section lists the main medical societies and the medical journals that have important publications on hair loss, medical hair restoration and hair transplant surgery. These sites have the most authoritative information on hair loss.

Medications, Pharmaceutical Companies, & Online Pharmacies

To find out more information about a prescription medication for hair loss or to learn where you can purchase medications at a reasonable price online.

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Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration

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