Many patients say to us that the hair transplant was a life-changing event for them. So for patients that are completely bald and are really bothered by it, a hair transplant really can do a lot for their confidence, for their self-image. For the people that are bothered by hair loss, this is really a wonderful procedure. There are also people for their careers they really need a lot of hair. They are in the media, they do television commercials, they are news commentators. It's very important [for them] to have this youthful image that really is defined by their hairline. There are other patients that really just don't like the idea of getting older and they want to improve their appearance. They do other things. They stay out of the sun. They exercise. Unfortunately, hair loss is something you can't control on your own, so in this case we have to assist it with either medications or, if that's not sufficient, then surgery.
- Visit our Before & After Hair Transplant Galleries
- Read some Letters from our Hair Transplant Patients
- What is Follicular Unit Excision?
- Simultaneous Robotic Incision and Manual Extraction
- Can Grafts Fall Out After A Hair Transplant?
- How Young Is Too Young To Have A Hair Transplant?
- What Are The Benefits Of Pre-making Recipient Sites For Hair Transplants?
Tags: Hair Loss, Hair Loss in Men, Hair Loss in Women, Hair Loss Medication, Hair Transplant Photos, Hair Transplant Results, Hair Transplant Video Q&A, Letters from Patients
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