Patient Letters - Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration ...

Patient Letters

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Read letters patients have sent to us after they received medical treatment of their hair loss at Bernstein Medical.

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Dr. Bernstein and Staff,

Thank you for everything. It is truly rare to find such a friendly and capable group in medicine these days. You should all be very proud. I will do what I can to send more business your way!


D. S.



Dear Dr. Bernstein,

I’m sure you don’t remember me. I had an appointment with you a year ago December. I was suffering from hair loss which I had just discovered was probably from the statins I was taking to lower my cholesterol.

You spend 15 or more minutes with me gently explaining why you couldn’t do a transplant on me at that time and telling me to come back in a year and a half after some of the hair grew back.

In June, it will be a year and a half since I met with you and since I stopped taking the statins. My hair is almost completely grown back; no one but me (and my hair dresser) can tell there are still a few minor thin areas which are filling in nicely. I am controlling my cholesterol through diet and exercise.

I am writing to thank you so very much for your kindness and the time you spent with me. I have recommended you to my hairdresser and 3 doctors who patronizingly told me the hair loss was “due to the aging process”. They all thanked me and promised never to dismiss a similar complaint again without investigating a bit.

Thank you so much for your caring and compassion. Although you couldn’t help me at the time, I left your office with hope and feeling better than I had in a long time.

S. M.



Dear Dr. Bernstein and Staff,

It’s good to know warm, considerate people who try to help others in all that they do, people whose lives show the meaning of kindness. It’s so good to know special people like you.

Thanks a lot for all your care!

A. J.



To Dr. Bernstein,

I had a recent consultation with you and I have to say in just a short session talking with you, there is no doubt that you are the best in the business.

First of all, without even officially being your patient you prescribed Propecia for my hair loss without my even asking. You were the only doctor I consulted with who offered this at no charge. Then you gave me great information about Toppik and Couvre that I didn’t even know existed. I just tried these products and what a difference! I have actually thrown away my old hair piece and if feels great! It will definitely hold me over until I have the hair transplant.

With such a positive experience in such a short session, how can I lose?!!!

As soon as I work out the financing I will be scheduling surgery with you ASAP.

Many thanks.

T. K.



Hello Dr. Bernstein Good morning !

I was there at your offices in NYC a few days ago I can only hope that you still remember me. I am the guy with the long hair.

Anyway, the day that I went there I also told you that I suffer from depression and how my hair loss has been worsening my psychological state. I have been looking forward having a hair transplant for a very long time now just to fix my horrible problem however you advised me to wait at least a year and see the results from taking Propecia.

I am sorry that it took me this long to send this email just to thank you one more time for all the kindness and patience you had towards me the day of my consult. Thanks for your wonderful and honest advice and for the free Meds that you kindly gave me. I really appreciate it so very much!

H. K.



Hi Dr. Bernstein,

We always enjoy New York City and appreciate you even more for giving us the excuse to visit there. The photo shoot provided a great opportunity to see you again and your New York hair transplant clinic for the first time. While I hope that I will not require any further work, should I feel the need, there is no one else I would even consider.

Aside from your skills and deep understanding of hair restoration, both Janice and I have always been thoroughly impressed by your honesty and sincere integrity. We both genuinely like you as a very decent human being. So, regardless of my medical needs, I am sure that we will get out to New York again and will be certain to stop by and say hi. Great luck on the new venture!


J. Q.



Dear Dr. Bernstein,

After my visit with you last week, I came away feeling very pleased. You were patient, reassuring and frank, with a little humor thrown in as an added bonus. You were so generous with your time and your knowledge, and I very much appreciated that. Thank you.

With all good wishes.


F. S.



Dear Dr. Bernstein,

I am writing to thank you for the time you spent with me in consultation in June in your office. I found the consultation to be quite informative. I was also quite refreshed to meet an honest physician, especially one in your line of work. I was quite comfortable with you, and I appreciated your honesty.

Unfortunately, I believe that I will be seeing you some time in the future. I have the utmost confidence in you, and I can’t express enough my appreciation for your honesty and ethics. I know that Herb thinks a lot of you. I will be happy to refer any of my friends or colleagues to you in the future.

Again, thank you for your time.

G. S.



Dr. Bernstein,

I can think of few people and probably no other doctor who would have not only responded to my e-mail, but actually call me long distance on the telephone just to give a crazy guy like myself some peace of mind. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your kindness and consideration and professional medical advice. You are obviously a man and medical doctor of tremendous class and character, and I know that if I ever desire or require transplants in the future, I would like for you to be the doctor to do it.

Thank you again, and I hope you have a wonderful year in the Big Apple and stay well.

S. M.



Dear Dr. Bernstein,

First and foremost let me thank you for making the trip very much worth while. I left your office relieved that baldness was not my only option. Besides your generous amounts of information and possible ways of dealing with my problems, you were very forthcoming and straight to the point. Most of all I’d like to thank you for being the nicest doctor who I’ve had the pleasure of meeting since I got in this accident mess. You made me feel very comfortable, and as I stated earlier, you gave me hope. Thanks again.


O. A.



Dear Dr. Bernstein,

Just a short patient testimonial type note to express my sincere appreciation for the time that you spent with me today and the honest evaluation you provided. While we both know that you didn’t tell me exactly what I wanted to hear, both your manner and detailed explanations earned my respect and everything about our meeting convinced me to entrust you with my long term care.

Thank you again and, to the extent this is possible to say, I look forward to being treated by you.


G. S.



Dear Dr. Bernstein,

I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to you for the consultation you gave me a few weeks ago. It was refreshing and comforting to hear an honest opinion on my condition. I look forward to your services in the near future.


S. B.



Dear Dr. Bernstein,

I do want you to know how impressed I am with you both as a doctor and as a person. I am certain you are very knowledgeable in your field. This is, in part, reflected in your ability to explain the situation so clearly.

Then, too, it is so heart-warming in this materialistic period to find someone as honest as you are. I don’t know if I mentioned it to you, but my father was a surgeon. Like you, I know he never performed an operation if it was not clearly in the patient’s best interest.

Thank you so very much for conducting your practice on this high level and for taking the trouble to write me a detailed, explanatory letter. You truly are a special person and a credit to your profession.


G. S.



To the Staff,

Thanks again guys, you have a heck of a team there. You were all very caring & professional. There is no doubt in my mind that I chose the BEST!

S. S.



Dear Dr. Bernstein,

I just wanted to thank you very much for your kind and thoughtful advice regarding my boyfriend’s hair situation. You were so honest and patient with all of our questions, and you really put our minds at ease with your expert opinion. I was impressed you would strongly recommend NOT having surgery, when that is the very business you are in. Your ethics are unparalleled, and your bedside manner so sincere, it is easy to see how you became the leader in your field.

On behalf of us both, thank you very much for your time.


M. M.


By: Dr. Robert M. Bernstein

Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration

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