Q: What is graft compression? — E.Z. Wayne, N.J.
A: Graft compression refers to a tufted look resulting from the contraction of grafts caused by the normally elastic skin that contracts around the graft as the hair transplant heals. This was a common occurrence with mini-micrografting where 5 or more hairs from two or more follicular units were placed into one recipient site.
With follicular unit hair transplantation, follicular units won’t show visible compression since they are already naturally compact.
One reason why FU’s are valuable in a transplant is that they are compact enough to fit into a very small site. It is important, however to “customize” the site size to the size of the graft so the fit is just perfect. This speeds up healing, enables the patient to shampoo the day after surgery, and enhances graft growth.
- What is Trichophytic Closure After An FUT Hair Transplant?
- In Follicular Unit Hair Transplant, Can You Double-up Follicular Units and Still Call it FUT?
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