Q: Can you please comment on the use of sutures verses staples in hair restoration procedures? — S.S., Prospect Park, NY
A: Sutures are great on non-hair bearing skin and allow perfect approximation of the wound edges, but on the scalp they can cause damage to hair follicles below the skin’s surface. The reason is that a running (continuous) suture traps hair follicles and when the skin swells (as it normally does after hair transplants) the trapped follicles can strangulate and die.
Since staples are placed individually – about ½ cm apart – they don’t strangle the tissue. This allows the blood supply to flow freely to the wound edge permitting the blood’s oxygen to reach the follicles in the stapled area and minimizing the risk of any hair loss. The unimpeded blood flow also facilitates wound healing and can sometimes result in a finer scar, particularly in a tight scalp.
For these reasons, we now use staples in most of our hair transplants.
- How Long Do Stitches Stay in After a Hair Transplant?
- When Are Surgical Staples Removed After Hair Transplant?
- After an FUT Hair Transplant, When Do Staples Come Out?
- Does FUT Hair Transplant Use Sutures or Surgical Staples?
- Why Change from Sutures to Surgical Staples in FUT Hair Transplants?
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