Q: I was told that I have low hair density in the donor area. Will multiple hair transplant procedures improve the results of my hair restoration? — J.G., Hoboken, NJ
A: Yes, but subsequent procedures would be smaller and there is a point of diminishing returns where additional procedures would yield so little hair that they would not be practical. There is a finite donor supply and once this is tapped, no more hair transplants are possible, regardless if one uses FUT or FUE.
- Can I Have a Hair Transplant if I Have a Scar in My Donor Area? If So, Which Do You Recommend, FUT or FUE?
- Do You Perform Hair Transplants With Body Or Leg Hair?
- Does Strip Harvesting In Hair Transplant Make Donor Area Smaller?
- How Big is the Donor Strip in an FUT Hair Transplant?
- Why Should Hair Transplant Doctor Measure Miniaturization in Donor Area Before Transplant?
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