Q: Is it true that manual FUE hair transplant procedures are better than robotic hair transplants because the physician can adjust and feel the follicle when extracting? — M.H. ~ Great Neck, N.Y.
A: The ARTAS robot is a physician controlled, computerized device that uses a three-dimensional optical system to isolate follicular units from the back of the scalp in a hair transplant. The robotic system assists the physician in the extraction of grafts with precision and speed. Although there is some advantage to having “human feel” for the tissue, this is far outweighed by the fact that repetitive procedures performed manually thousands of times lead to operator fatigue and result in increased transection and damage to grafts. With the ARTAS robotic system, the quality of the first and the last graft harvested will be the same.
Read about advantages of the ARTAS Robot over manual FUE procedures
- When is it Best to Feather in Robotic FUE?
- Can I Have Robotic FUE If I Have Gray Hair or Curly Hair?
- How are Recipient Sites Programmed into the ARTAS Robot?
- Will Robotic FUE Reduce the Cost Per Graft for FUE Procedures?
- How Does the ARTAS Robot Avoid Transection of Hair Follicles During Recipient Site Creation?
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