Q: I heard FUE is a scarless surgery. Is this true using any of the current FUE methods (ARTAS® robot, Neograft, manual FUE)? — V.S., Weston, C.T.
A: All hair transplant procedures, follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE), leave scars. FUT produces a linear scar at the back of the scalp that may be visible if you keep your hair short. FUE, on the other hand, leaves small dot scars at the back of the scalp that are not visible if you keep your hair short. These tiny scars will happen regardless of which FUE method is used, i.e., ARTAS robot, SAFE system, Neograft, or manual FUE. Some physicians who use the Neograft method advertise that there is no scarring involved when using the Neograft; however, this is not true: however, this is not true: there is some scarring associated with all FUE methods that increases with the total number of grafts harvested.
- Is it Safe to Implant 6,000 Grafts in 2 Days Using FUE?
- Can I Play Contact Sports Right After a FUE Procedure?
- Will I Need Multiple FUE Hair Transplants Over Time?
- On Rachel Ray Show Dr. Youn Implies Neograft FUE Machine Is Painless and Non-Surgical
- After an FUE Hair Transplant at the Hairline, Will Bumps Go Away?
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