Q: What are the chances of the donor scarring being visible long-term in FUT compared to FUE? — M.M., Altherton, C.A.
A: Both FUT and FUE produce donor scarring; FUT, in the form of a line and FUE in the shape of small, round dots. With FUT hair transplantation, the line is placed in the mid-portion of the permanent zone, whereas in FUE the dots are scattered all over the donor area.
If a patient becomes extensively bald (i.e. the donor fringe becomes very narrow), the line of FUT will generally still remain hidden, whereas the dots of FUE will be seen above the fringe of hair. In the less likely scenario of the donor hair actually thinning significantly, both the line (of FUT) and the dots (of FUE) may become visible.
- Why Visit a Practice That Specializes in Both FUT and FUE?
- Is FUE or FUT Better for an MMA Fighter?
- What Is Your Opinion on Doctors Performing Only FUT or Only FUE?
- If I Was Told That I Am Not A Good Candidate For An FUT Procedure Can I Have FUE?
- Why Recommend FUT Not FUE If I Have No Linear Scar?
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