Ms. Oakley - Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration ...

Ms. Oakley

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Jennifer Oakley - Micro-Pigmentation Specialist
Jennifer Oakley is a certified Micro-Pigmentation (MP) Specialist and licensed aesthetician. She is trained in the art of medical-grade tattoo, which is used to disguise scars and improve the look of genetic and other forms of hair loss. Through the technique known as pointillism, Jennifer uses specialized hair-color matched inks to provide the appearance of fullness in regions of thinning hair.

Jennifer obtained her Bachelor of Science degree from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts before pursuing her passion in semi-permanent cosmetic make-up. She has since received extensive training in numerous institutions throughout New York City, including the International School of Permanent Makeup and Atelier Esthetique Institute of Esthetics. Jennifer is a licensed tattoo artist and is a member of the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals.

With a history of hair thinning prevalent in her family, Jennifer brings a special level of compassion to her patient care and aims to provide an empathetic and comfortable encounter in every patient’s experience with SMP.

Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration

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