Timeline of Hair Transplant Innovations | Bernstein Medical

Timeline of Innovations

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Dr. Bernstein Presents What’s New in Robotic FUE to ISHRS 25th Annual Conference

Dr. Bernstein presented the advances of the most recent upgrade to the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System, the ARTAS 9x at the 25th Annual Conference of the International Society of Hair Restoration (ISHRS). The new ARTAS System resulted in increased speed, increased accuracy, the use of artificial intelligence, among others.




Bernstein Medical Introduces the ARTAS 9x – Major Upgrade to ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System

Bernstein Medical was the first hair restoration practice to perform a robotic FUE procedure using the newest ARTAS Robotic System, the ARTAS 9x. This major upgrade of the robot includes hardware and software improvements that enables faster and more precise robotic hair transplants.



Dr. Robert M. Bernstein Presents “Graft Selection” Advance in ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System at ISHRS World Congress

Dr. Bernstein presented results of his study, Robotic Follicular Unit Graft Selection,” to physicians at the 2016 ISHRS World Congress in Las Vegas, Nevada. Robotic graft selection is a key advance in the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System, a hardware and software suite that automates crucial aspects of the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant procedure. The development makes Robotic FUE more efficient and improves patient outcomes.


Dr. Bernstein Patents Hair Transplant Procedure with Delay Between Recipient Site Creation and Graft Insertion

Hair transplant pioneer Dr. Robert M. Bernstein and his colleague Dr. William R. Rassman have received a patent on a new technique that improves the outcome of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplants, the type of procedure used in half of all hair transplants performed world-wide. The essential invention is the addition of a timed delay between recipient site creation and the insertion of follicular units into those sites. The delay allows the skin to begin the healing process before grafts are inserted, resulting in increased success of the transplant and an improved outcome.



Robotic Follicular Unit Graft Selection

Authors: Bernstein RM, Wolfeld MB: Robotic follicular unit graft selection. Dermatologic Surgery 2016; 42(6): 710-14.

Synopsis: The original robotic system harvested follicular unit grafts randomly from the scalp. In this paper, Dr. Bernstein introduces robotic graft selection, a new capability of the ARTAS robot. In robotic graft selection, the robot is programmed to select follicular units for extraction based on the number of hairs they contain. By skipping over 1-hair follicular units, the robot can increase the hair/wound yield. This bilateral controlled study of 24 patients evaluated this capability. Results showed that robotic graft selection produced more hairs per harvest attempt (2.60 vs. 2.22) and more hairs per graft (2.72 vs. 2.44), compared to random follicular unit harvesting. The clinical benefit was statistically significant at p<.01.



Dr. Bernstein Presents “Pre-Made Recipient Incisions” at 2015 ISHRS Annual Scientific Meeting in Chicago

Small, simple modifications in the sequence of the major steps in a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant procedure will be beneficial to healing and growth following the procedure, says renowned hair restoration surgeon Dr. Robert M. Bernstein. Presenting at the 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) in Chicago, Illinois, Dr. Bernstein detailed how making recipient site incisions before harvesting follicular unit grafts can improve the outcome of an FUE procedure.




Long-Hair Robotic FUE

Author: Bernstein RM. Long-Hair Robotic FUE. Restoration Robotics White Paper. May 2015.

Synopsis: A limitation of FUE procedures is the short-term cosmetic problem of clipping the entire donor area in the back and sides of the scalp. The long-hair robotic technique avoids this problem by harvesting through a broad band of clipped hair that is covered with longer hair combed down over the harvested area. This technique enables the physician to harvest relatively large amounts of donor hair without shaving the patient’s entire scalp.



Dr. Bernstein Introduces Robotic Graft Selection at ARTAS Annual Meeting

Dr. Robert M. Bernstein introduced a new capability of the ARTAS® robotic system, “Follicular Unit Graft Selection,” at the ARTAS User Group Meeting on February 6-7, 2015 in Newport Coast, CA. He presented the new technology and the preliminary results of a bilateral pilot study of the technique conducted at Bernstein Medical.



Robotic Recipient Site Creation in Hair Transplantation

Author: Bernstein RM, Wolfeld MB, Zingaretti G. Robotic Recipient Site Creation in Hair Transplantation. Hair Transplant Forum Intl. 2014; 24(3): 95:97.

Synopsis: The initial application of the ARTAS® robotic system (robot), released in the fall of 2011, was the separation of follicular units from the surrounding scalp tissue, the first step in a follicular unit extraction procedure. Subsequent steps in FUE include removal of the follicular unit grafts from the donor scalp, site creation, and graft placement. With its new hardware and software capabilities, the robot can now perform one more step in this process, making recipient sites. Preliminary observations suggest that it can accomplish this function with greater precision and consistency than when performed manually.



Hair Restoration Pioneer Introduces Next Step in Robotic Hair Transplants

Dr. Bernstein introduced new technology that allows the ARTAS Robotic System to accomplish a critical step in hair transplant surgery, the creation of recipient sites. Presenting at the 2nd ARTAS User Group Meeting on February 7th and 8th, 2014, Dr. Bernstein previewed the recipient site creation technology that brings the robotic system one step closer to performing critical aspects of the labor-intensive, hair transplant procedure.



Dr. Bernstein’s Key Contributions to Hair Restoration Outlined in Historical Review of Dermatologic Surgery

Dr. Bernstein is credited with introducing the “follicular unit” to surgical hair restoration, the innovation that allowed for a “completely natural-looking hair transplant” to be achieved. The commentary on Dr. Bernstein’s contributions to the field of hair transplantation are outlined in an historical review of dermatologic surgery that appeared in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.



Robotic Hair Transplants

Author: Bernstein RM.

Synopsis: A major advance in Follicular Unit Extraction is the introduction of a robotically controlled, image guided system to remove intact follicular units directly from the scalp. The robotic device increases the accuracy of graft harvesting, which in turn minimizes damage to hair follicles and reduces harvesting time. Each of these factors potentially contributes to increased graft survival. The technology also enables FUE to be performed on a wider variety of patients. This paper discusses this new robotic technology.




Pre-Making Recipient Sites in FUE and R-FUE Procedures

Author: Bernstein RM, Rassman WR.

Synopsis: In FUT procedures, once the donor strip is removed, follicular unit dissection and graft insertion can be performed simultaneously. In FUE procedures, graft extraction must be completed before placement can begin, increasing the time grafts are out of the body and subjecting them to hypoxic injury. Waiting for recipient sites to be made adds to this time. These authors suggest creating recipient sites prior to extraction to decrease the time the grafts are outside the body. Other potential advantages of pre-making recipient sites are discussed.



Dr. Bernstein Proposes Improvements to FUE Hair Transplant Procedures

In the latest in a long of improvements made to hair restoration procedures, Dr. Bernstein has published an article in Hair Transplant Forum International which improves the FUE procedure even further, whether performing follicular unit extraction with the FUE robot or by hand. In his article, Dr. Bernstein suggests two techniques to enhance the FUE procedure. First, he recommends that surgeons create recipient sites prior to extraction, in order to decrease the time grafts are in their holding solution outside the body. Second, he suggests adding time between site creation and graft harvesting and placement, to allow recipient site healing to progress.



ARTAS System For Robotic FUE Arrives At Bernstein Medical

We are pleased to announce that robotic FUE is now available at Bernstein Medical – Center for Hair Restoration. This is a major advance in FUE technology. The ARTAS system for hair restoration allows us to more effectively isolate follicular unit grafts from the donor area of the scalp without causing damage to individual follicles, a problem that has been a limitation of manual FUE techniques. Many other important parts of the FUE procedure will still be performed by the physician and team.



Hair Transplant Pioneer To Use Robotic ARTAS System For FUE Hair Transplantation

Robert M. Bernstein, M.D., F.A.A.D., world-renowned pioneer of the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant techniques and founder of Bernstein Medical – Center for Hair Restoration, will become the first hair transplant surgeon on the East Coast to use the robotic ARTAS System for Hair Restoration. Procedures using the computer-driven, automated system will begin in November 2011 in his state-of-the-art New York City facility.



Hair Loss & Replacement for Dummies

December 3, 2008, publication of the definitive layman’s book on hair restoration: Hair Loss & Replacement For Dummies written by internationally-respected hair transplant pioneers Dr. William R. Rassman and Dr. Robert M. Bernstein. This book offers readers not only the full gamut of modern-day hair-care options, but crucial tips on how to avoid unscrupulous hair transplant doctors and potentially harmful products as well.



Bernstein’s Densitometry Paper Makes Cover of Hair Transplant Forum International

In an effort to give hair restoration surgeons more precise diagnostic information in their evaluation for patients considering hair transplants, Dr. Bernstein and his colleague Dr. Rassman use the techniques of densitometry and video-microscopy to analyze the scalp under high-powered magnification. The technique gives important information on hair density, follicular unit composition and hair shaft diameter. The new tools give physicians vital information for making decisions about whether patients are candidates for surgical hair restoration, the amount of donor tissue needed for the hair transplant procedure, and to help them better predict how the results of the hair transplant will ultimately look.


Bernstein Medical Opens Facility Designed for Follicular Unit Transplantation

Bernstein Medical – Center for Hair Restoration moves its New York facility to a new location in mid-town Manhattan. It is the first center of its kind specifically designed and engineered to perform state-of-the-art Follicular Unit Hair Transplant procedures.


Bernstein Launches Hair Transplant Blog

Dr. Bernstein creates a new Medical Weblog to help hair loss suffers learn more about their condition and the best possible treatment options. The Hair Transplant Blog covers a wide range of topics from the diagnosis of hair loss to medical and laser therapies. The focus is on Dr. Bernstein’s pioneering hair transplant procedures of Follicular Unit Transplantation and Follicular Unit Extraction. Within six months, the Hair Transplant Blog is the most popular Blog on the internet specifically focusing on surgical hair restoration.



Bernstein Develops a New Instrumentation for Follicular Unit Extraction

A major limitation in Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the damage to follicles caused by the sharp instrument that separates the follicular unit grafts from the surrounding tissue. In three-step FUE, a blunt instrument is used to prevent this injury. A limitation of the 3-step procedure is that it is strictly dependent upon the complexities of instrument design. In this paper on New Instrumentation, Dr. Bernstein sorts out the essential elements of the 3-step process and designs a simple instrument to help achieve the goal of eliminating injury to grafts.



Bernstein Uses Scientific Methods to Establish Post-op Guidelines After Hair Transplants

To answer the long-asked question of exactly how much time it takes after a hair restoration procedure for the transplanted grafts to be securely anchored in place, Dr. Bernstein examined the transplanted grafts histologically. In the study, Graft Anchoring in Hair Transplantation published in Dermatologic Surgery, Dr. Bernstein showed that by 9 days following a follicular unit hair transplant, grafts could not be dislodged. In addition, this interval could be shortened to one week if patients can prevent crusts from forming during the immediate post-op period. This information is now used by physicians to refine the post-op advice they give to their patients.



Follicular Unit Transplantation and Follicular Unit Extraction

Dr. Bernstein, and his colleagues, Dr. Rassman and Dr. Harris, write the chapters in Haber and Stough’s new textbook on Hair Transplantation that describe the two major hair restoration techniques developed over the past decade. These chapters explain the current status of both Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and discuss controversial issues regarding these techniques. Areas of key interest are the lateral slit technique for recipient sites and the new 3-step method for FUE.



Dr. Bernstein Presents New Instrumentation for Follicular Unit Extraction at International Meeting

At the 13th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery in Sydney, Australia, Dr. Bernstein presents a new method of performing Follicular Unit Extraction using a specially designed instrument that minimizes trauma to hair follicles.


Bernstein Medical Launches Comprehensive Website on Hair Restoration

BernsteinMedical.com is created to provide a truly educational resource for understanding hair loss and the treatment of baldness. The site offers detailed explanations to most commonly asked questions of hair loss sufferers and provides an in-depth resource for information on more detailed issues relating to hair restoration. With photos, diagrams, video and useful links, this site is a virtual encyclopedia for the treatment of hair loss.


Bernstein Medical – Center for Hair Restoration is Founded

Robert M. Bernstein, M.D. forms Bernstein Medical – Center for Hair Restoration to provide patients with the most advanced medical and surgical therapies for hereditary baldness using his pioneering Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation and Follicular Unit Extraction techniques. The Center is solely devoted to the treatment of hair loss.



Drs. Bernstein and Rassman publish “Follicular Unit Extraction Megasessions”

In Follicular Unit Extraction Megasessions: Evolution of a Technique, that appeared in Hair Transplant Forum International, Bernstein and Rassman discuss the use of the new technique of FUE to transplant large numbers of grafts in a single session. In the paper they discuss the advantages over small FUE sessions. However, they describe the difficulty in extracting intact follicular unit grafts from previously harvested areas and caution that the technique of FUE may result in decreased overall yield.



Dr. Bernstein Writes Sections in Unger’s Text on “Hair Transplantation”

Dr. Walter Unger’s classic text “Hair Transplantation” published by Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY, 4th Edition edited by Unger and Shapiro, includes Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation for the first time. Bernstein writes the sections titled “The Rational for Follicular Unit Transplantation” and “Techniques for Limiting the Amount of Epinephrine in Large Hair Restoration Surgeries.”



Dr. Bernstein Presents Results of “Graft Anchoring Study”

In this presentation at the 12th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery held in Vancouver, Canada, Bernstein presents the results of his study that answers the crucial question “How much time does it actually take following a hair transplant so that the grafts are permanent and cannot be dislodged?” The results of the study are used to guide patients in their post-operative care. This important study has been accepted for publication in Dermatologic Surgery.



Bernstein and Rassman Publish Definitive Work on Corrective Procedures

In the paired articles “The Art of Repair in Surgical Hair Restoration – Part I: Basic Repair Strategies and Part II: ““The Tactics of Repair” that appeared in Dermatologic Surgery, Bernstein and Rassman present both the conceptual framework for repairs and a practical approach to fixing the poor hair restoration procedures of the past. An important conclusion from their studies is that microscopically dissecting and redistributing existing large grafts prior to camouflage with follicular units is critical.



“Follicular Unit Extraction” Published by Rassman and Bernstein

The first paper on Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is published by Rassman and Bernstein in the journal Dermatologic Surgery. The article Follicular Unit Extraction: Minimally invasive surgery for hair transplantation describes the technique of Follicular Unit Extraction, the indications for the procedure and the limitations of the technique. The doctors explain the role of FUE as a complement to, rather than a replacement of, FUT.



Bernstein and Rassman Publish “A New Suture for Hair Transplantation”

In “A New Suture for Hair Transplantation: Poliglecaprone 25”, Bernstein and Rassman introduce the suture Poliglecaprone 25 to the field of hair restoration surgery. This new absorbable suture is shown to be superior to other types of donor closures with respect to level of comfort, convenience, and healing.



Bernstein and Rassman Caution on Excessive Use of Adrenaline in Hair Transplants

In the paper Limiting Epinephrine in Large Hair Transplant Sessions, Bernstein and Rassman warn that the use of “super juice” (very high concentrations of epinephrine) to control bleeding during a hair transplant may be dangerous. The authors describe other ways that bleeding can be easily controlled in hair transplant procedures of up to 2,400 grafts without the need for these high concentrations of epinephrine which may cause palpitations, anxiety, irregular heart rhythms and increase the risk of the hair restoration surgery.



Dr. Bernstein Presents “The Power of Graft Sorting in Follicular Unit Transplantation”

At the 8th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery held in Hawaii, Bernstein explains how one can maximize the aesthetic benefit of a hair transplant that uses follicular units exclusively. This includes meticulous stereo-microscopic dissection of the grafts into their naturally occurring groups and then distributing them according to their various sizes into specific regions of the scalp to produce the greatest cosmetic impact.


Bernstein’s Leading Role in Hair Transplantation is Recognized

In “A History of Dermatologic Surgery in the United States” published in Dermatologic Surgery 2000, Dr. Bernstein is cited as one of the three Physicians to have played a leading role in Hair Transplantation in the 1980’s and 1990’s.



Dr. Bernstein Heads Group to Predict “The Future in Hair Transplantation”

As this Millennium draws to an end, Bernstein asks eighteen prominent physicians and scientists to predict what they feel will be the future in the treatment of hair loss. The compilation of their views is titled The future in hair transplantation and published in the Journal of Aesthetic Dermatology & Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery.



Dr. Bernstein Introduces New Suture for Hair Transplantation at International Meeting

In controlled clinical studies, Bernstein shows the advantages of Monocryl, a new absorbable suture that produces less skin irritation than other absorbable sutures and is more comfortable than other suture materials including staples. He also shows that the cosmetic result in the donor area is superior to other techniques.



Dr. Bernstein Holds First “Workshop” on Follicular Unit Transplantation

The first International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery workshop to be completely devoted to Follicular Unit Transplantation is given by Dr. Bernstein. The title of the workshop is “The Philosophy and Practical Application of Follicular Unit Transplantation”.



Dr. Bernstein Cautions on Using Excessive Adrenaline During Hair Transplant

Dr. Bernstein changes anesthesia techniques to make it more safe and effective and presents these techniques at the ISHRS. The research published the following year in Hair Transplant Forum International.



“The Logic of Follicular Unit Transplantation” Published

Dow B. Stough, MD, a Founder of the ISHRS and Editor of Hair Transplant Forum International writes: “Everything you wanted to know about follicular unit transplantation, and then some. This monograph, presented by Bernstein and Rassman, can be thought of as a thesis on the subject of the follicular unit, this may be perhaps the most comprehensive accumulation of thoughts on the subject thus far.” The Logic of Follicular Unit Transplantation serves as the basis for the introductory chapter on the subject in Unger and Shapiro’s 2004 text, “Hair Transplantation.”



Bernstein Exposes Physician “Fear” of Microscopes

In this short satire called Microscopophobia; Bernstein pokes fun at physicians who are afraid, or otherwise resistant, to introducing microscopes into their practices. The article gives a step-by-step cure for their follies.



Bernstein and Rassman Show Hair Shaft Diameter Critical to Hair Transplant

Drs. Bernstein and Rassman explain mathematically why hair shaft diameter is more important than absolute hair counts in determining the aesthetic results of hair restoration surgery and define both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the follicular unit.



Bernstein and Rassman Warn that Automatic Graft Cutters Can Damage Follicles

Although the use of automated cutting devices to speed up the hair restoration process is appealing, in Blind graft production: Value at what cost?, Bernstein and Rassman caution physicians that the use of these devices may increase the speed of the procedure at the expense of quality and that they may result in an unacceptable degree of follicular damage.



Bernstein and Rassman Quantify Benefits of Stereo-Microscope in Hair Transplantation

Dissecting microscope versus magnifying loupes with transillumination in the preparation of follicular unit grafts is the first scientific paper to show the advantages of using a dissecting stereo-microscope for Follicular Unit Transplantation. This bilateral controlled study validates the benefits of the technique that had been introduced to the field by Dr. Bobby Limmer.


Dr. Bernstein Leads Group of 21 in Developing Standard Hair Transplantation Terminology

Dr. Bernstein organizes a group of illustrious hair restoration surgeons in an attempt to unify the field of surgical hair restoration by setting standards for defining the most commonly performed hair transplant procedures. The purpose is to allow surgeons to be able to compare the results of scientific studies and to improve communication with their patients. The paper, Standardizing the classification and description of follicular unit transplantation and mini-micrografting techniques, formally changes the name “Follicular Transplantation” to “Follicular Unit Transplantation” and strictly defines the procedure as requiring stereo-microscopic dissection and single strip harvesting.



Bernstein and Rassman Define “Delayed Growth” Phenomenon

In “What is Delayed Growth?” Bernstein and Rassman describe the occasional wide variability in growth rates seen after a hair transplant and speculate on possible causes. They hypothesize a disruption in the normally asynchronous human hair growth cycle as one possible cause.



Dr. Norwood Writes Follicular Transplantation is “An Idea Whose Time Has Come”

Editor Emeritus O’Tar Norwood visits Dr. Bernstein’s east coast hair transplant facility and is impressed with “scientific methods, academic honesty, and almost eerie instinctive knowledge of hair transplant surgery.” In an editorial describing his visit, he proclaims Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation as an “Idea Whose Time Has Come.”



Bernstein and Rassman Publish “Paired” Follicular Transplantation Articles that Become “Classic” Reference in Field

The articles Follicular Transplantation: Patient Evaluation and Surgical Planning and The Aesthetics of Follicular Transplantation are published in the prestigious journal, Dermatologic Surgery. These papers literally define the new field of Follicular Unit Transplantation. The Editor of Hair Transplant Forum international writes “Whatever happens, we will still be using something close to the Bernstein-Rassman technique in decades to come, as it provides convincing results with nature’s own building blocks…there is no doubt that their techniques are revolutionizing hair restoration surgery and almost every practitioner in this field has already been influenced by their past writings…”



Bernstein and Rassman Attack Laser Use in Hair Transplants

In the publication Laser Hair Transplantation: Is it Really State of the Art?, published in the prestigious Journal of Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, Drs. Bernstein and Rassman state that Lasers are not useful for creating hair transplant recipient sites and, in fact, cause more damage than sites made with needles. Lasers also decrease the ability of the surgeon to create a “snug fit” for the grafts and thus prevent the grafts from being held securely in place. As a result, lasers risk scarring and poor growth. Fortunately, “laser hair transplants” never gained popularity in surgical hair restoration, except as a tool for marketing.



Dr. Bernstein Criticizes “Scalp Reduction” Procedure

In the publication, Are Scalp Reductions Still Indicated? published in Hair Transplant Forum International, Bernstein refutes the idea that patients with male pattern baldness may benefit from scalp reductions. He explains that scalp reductions simultaneously decrease scalp laxity and donor density, and thereby deplete a patient’s donor reserves. In addition, a scalp reduction creates a scar in the crown forcing the surgeon to place additional hair in the area to cover the scar. Following this article in 1996, there was a precipitous drop in the number of scalp reductions being performed. A decade later, scalp reduction surgery is almost never used to treat male pattern hair loss.



Dr. Bernstein Presents Follicular Transplantation at the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery

Dr. Bernstein presents the theory behind Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation and shows results of this technique to physicians at the International Meeting of the ISHRS. The attendees hardly appreciate the importance and future impact that this new technique will have, but are impressed with the incredibly natural results.



Bernstein and Rassman Publish “Follicular Transplantation” and Define a New Hair Restoration Technique

In their landmark publication Follicular Transplantation, Bernstein and Rassman state that hair transplantation should be performed using only naturally occurring, individual follicular units. The paper introduces the term “Follicular Unit” to the field and describes both the technique and planning needed to get the best long-term aesthetic results.



Dr. Bernstein Joins New Hair Institute to Develop Follicular Unit Transplantation

Robert M. Bernstein, M.D., a cosmetic dermatologic surgeon in Manhattan, joins the New Hair Institute, to develop his idea of using follicular units in hair transplant procedures. The New Hair Institute (NHI) was founded by Dr. William Rassman in 1992 as a group of board certified physicians dedicated solely to hair restoration and specializes in performing “megasessions” and using “dense packing” techniques. Dr. Bernstein is appointed Medical Director of the Institute, the same year.



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