ARTAS Hair Transplant | Bernstein Medical ...

ARTAS Robotics

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The ARTAS® Robotic Hair Transplant System is the most advanced technology for surgical hair restoration. Developed by the research engineers at Restoration Robotics, Inc., Mountain View, California, the system has been FDA-approved for hair transplant surgery since the spring of 2011. Bernstein Medical is one of the first practices to use this new technology for hair transplantation. Dr. Bernstein is a clinical researcher and medical advisor to the company.

The ARTAS robot is a physician controlled, computerized device that uses a three dimensional optical system to isolate follicular units from the back of the scalp for maximum preservation of follicles in a FUE hair transplant procedure (referred to as Robotic Follicular Unit Extraction (R-FUE) or simply Robotic FUE). The ARTAS system aids the physician in the extraction of grafts with precision and speed that surpasses manual techniques. It can also create the recipient sites that receive the grafts.

ARTAS Robotics at Bernstein Medical

Dr. Bernstein performing Robotic Hair Transplant using ARTAS System
Dr. Bernstein performing Robotic Hair Transplant using ARTAS System

In the fall of 2011, Bernstein Medical became one of the first hair restoration facilities in the world to use the ARTAS system. We perform all FUE procedures using the new robotic technology. Dr. Bernstein has been working closely with Restoration Robotics for several years to improve the robot’s performance in FUE and to develop other applications of the hair transplant robot. Bernstein Medical is a beta-testing site for Restoration Robotics, and it was in our facility in New York City where Dr. Bernstein débuted automated recipient site creation and follicular unit graft selection using the robotic device.

Robotic recipient site creation and follicular unit graft selection are being made available to all facilities this year. The next phase of development involves the last phase of a hair transplant procedure, the placement of grafts into recipient sites. This process is currently in development and will likely take at least two years before it is available. Learn more about Robotic Hair Transplants »

How the ARTAS System Works

The ARTAS robot uses a three dimensional optical system to guide a two-step dissection process that isolates follicular units to obtain hair from the back of the scalp for maximum preservation of the follicles. The follicular units are then carefully removed to complete the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) process. This is sometimes referred to as Robotic Follicular Unit Extraction (R-FUE) or simply Robotic FUE. Learn more about Robotic Hair Transplants »

About Restoration Robotics

Restoration Robotics, Inc., is a privately held medical device company in Mountain View, CA. It is dedicated to revolutionizing the field of hair transplantation by developing and commercializing the first robotic device for hair transplantation – The ARTAS™ System. This interactive, computer assisted device uses image-guided robotics to enhance the quality of hair follicle harvesting in a hair restoration procedure. The ARTAS System is designed specifically to facilitate Follicular Unit Extraction hair transplants (FUE).

Restoration Robotics was founded by Dr. Frederick H. Moll. Dr. Moll is CEO of Hansen Medical, a publicly traded robotics company for invasive cardiac care instruments and a board member of Mako Surgical, an orthopedics robotic company. He is founder of Intuitive Surgical, the company that makes the Di Vinci Surgical System for the laparoscopic treatment of prostate cancer. Dr. Moll is considered a leader in the field of medical robotics.

Dr. Bernstein is a medical consultant to Restoration Robotics. He is involved in the research and development of the ARTAS System, and has a financial interest in the company.

To learn more about Restoration Robotics and its technology, visit

Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration

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